May 10 - August 10, 2011
Our First visitors were Brad, Sheila, Jada, and Charlie. They stayed at the KOA in a cabin - just about a mile from us. Too cold to swim on Memorial weekend...but we had a good time, nonetheless.
Linda and Eric Taylor made the trip Mid-June - stayed in a cabin on top of one of the mountain ridges overlooking the Beaver Lake...and had an awesome view.
The neighborhood raccoon was at the window hoping we would share our caesar salad and chicken with him...but finally just gave up and watched us eat.
Brenda, Jackson, Reyna, Sydney and Ava came for a visit the last weekend in June, and stayed at the KOA in one of their new cabins (which were still being built when Brad and family were there.)
We started off by doing a bit of sight seeing - which we had also done with the highest point in Eureka Springs and the Crescent Hotel - dating back to the mid 1850's.
Our trip to Turpentine Creek was unfortunately on a really HOT day..but it was interesting to see all of the exotic cats in the refuge. Over 100 exotic cats taken into the refuge from abusive know...that cute little tiger we gave uncle bill for his 50th birthday grew up...didn't know what to do with him, so locked him in the storage shed.
The trip to the drive-through zoo was special, also. We were able to do it with Wendi's family also. Feeding Emu's and Deer from the car allowed the animals to get pretty up-close and personal.
Bren's kids got to see a bit of Opera during their visit. On family day they got to take a tour through the costume shop, the dressing rooms, back stage, and through the orchestra pit before enjoying a presentation of "Pirates of Penzance"...followed by autographs. What an adventure. The next day they saw the final dress rehearsal of "Die Fledermaus"...we intended to stay only for the 1st act...and go back to the campsite for dinner...but the kids insisted that we stay for the whole opera, and we enjoyed S'mores by campfire at 10:30...our dinner. :-)
Wendi's visit ended up being a little more upclose with folks in the opera and orchestra. To a 3 and 5 year old...the double bass was HUGE. Jennifer (one of our favorites) helped Addison and Rowen play a few notes on the violin. And we had to get a pic of the girls with Joe and Toby who were from Kansas University/Lawrence KS.
We had great fun swimming at the KOA with every one. A really nice clean pool..Wendi Chris and the girls stayed in "their own RV" there were no cabins worked out very well. Bob and Donna, the managers of the KOA were beginning to purchase Campers to increase the capacity for renting to those "campers" who needed cabins. Five cabins didn't stretch far enough.
Rockne's...Mike and Karen...came down all of the way from Wahpeton, ND for the last weekend of the opera season. Once again...the cabins worked out well. We took a trip on the Belle - toured Beaver lake. The captain was quite a story teller. And of course, we just enjoyed egging him on from one yarn to the next.
Back steps of the Crescent Hotel. Crepe Myrtle was in bloom. Just beautiful.
And the boat ride.
And, of course, caesar salad and steak. A good time with good friends.
Last, but not least, was a visit from Jennifer and her fiance Justin Turnbaugh. They made the trip so that Justin could do his certification dives for scuba. I think we caught him "gettin' ready"... :-)
Their digs were at the KOA, also. No cabins available, but Bob's newest acquisition...a 1967 Airstream worked just fine.